Computer Market Research’s Automated Channel Rebate Management System – Automated Ship and Debit.
A significant number of vendors struggle to meet the increasing demands for real-time information from different channel solution platforms. However, a simplified data integration solution provides vendors with the ability to achieve faster, better, more accurate information with less administrative costs. This is especially true when it comes to an organization’s channel rebate management system.
Most of an organization’s business information exists in
that normally don’t transfer or convert to different formats very well. Customarily, it takes expensive resources and staff to handle the data sorting process.Channel solutions, such as Computer Market Research’s Automated Ship and Debit application, can add value by providing simplified, on-demand data integration for any business.
Allow CMR’s very own software engineering experts, Alex Smidt, and Chris Gray, to give you an inside peek at our automated ship and debit module and its intuitive, channel rebate management system’s customizable capabilities.
Our Automated ship and Debit eliminates the complex, expensive, and time-consuming process of managing high-volume partner incentive claims. A channel rebate management system allows vendors to determine net revenue with quantifiable metrics as well as seamlessly validate claims.
Computer Market Research’s Ship and Debit module supports complex program goals and parameters that are exclusive to your business.
In this short video, Alex and Chris will discuss a common pain point many manufacturers endure while managing their channel partner’s submitted claims.
Enjoy and let us know what you think.